Bismuth - Explore the first Python Blockchain
The Bismuth Platform is an open-source, unfunded project (no initial coin offering, no pre-mining), launched in May 2017 and maintained by the Bismuth Foundation.
Mainet Proof-of-Work SHA224 (custom implementation) GPU mining, Hypernode Proof-of-Stake (custom implementation).
Virtually anything can be created on Bismuth's modular platform, ranging from simple token issuance, to complex decentralized application (dApp) services.
Global Node Map
Take a look at the Global Bismuth Node Map to have an overview where in the world Bismuth nodes are running.
BIS has an asynchronous contract model which indicates better scaling options
App - Dragginator Collectibles
Dragginator is a virtual NFT game based on the Bismuth blockchain. Buy and sell dragon eggs.
Bismuth Explorer
Use the Bismuth Explorer to search for transactions, address balances and blocks.
Github BIS Explorer Source Code
Bismuth Proof-of-Work mainnet launched in 2017, but has been in development since 2014.
Hypernode Map
Interactive Hypernode Map created by Dingo. The map shows the combined weight at each location for the size of every bubble.
Twitter Bismuth Faucet
The Twitter Bismuth Faucet sends you free BIS for tweeting about Bismuth. Include the hashtags #Bismuth and $BIS.
Bismuth is the only project in the world that has implemented the alternative approach to smart contracts as suggested by Nick Szabo.
Stator API Explorer
Stator - The POC Bismuth explorer and statistics reporter
Hypernode Monitoring
Monitor the status of your Hypernode
BIS supports multiple crypto schemes for signatures, making it effectively resistant to a quantum attack towards any single system.